Tuesday 5 February 2008

International Creative Collaboration ...

Otherwise known as "watch out, the Yanks are coming !"

I came back from the convention in Tampa fired up and ready for the season ahead ... but I soon realised that this is a fairly lonely career. While in Tampa, I met hundreds of photographers, mainly from the US, but really from all over the world. In the middle of all the melee, I met Randy Kepple from Vancouver (the American one, not the Canadian one, LOL) and we soon realised we were very similar, creatively speaking, so hey, why not start a creative project together, with challenges throughout the year, supporting, critiquing and generally being "colleagues".

Now, with an 8 hour time difference, this was never going to be easy - but who needs easy, right? Watch out for our new site, coming very soon, with challenges, images, musings and guest photographers dropping in every now and again too ! I hope you enjoy the ride - I know I will !

In the meantime, I'm going to add a self portrait - dedicated to my new creative partner - just because he likes it :)

Oh yeah, the name of the post is NOT a giveaway for our new project name ... but it's close :)

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