Thursday 30 October 2008

Happy Birthday Richard !

Not a lot of people know that I am Stepmom to 2 boys, my husband's sons, Richard and Andrew. They're certainly not kids any more, with Andrew in his final year at Manchester Uni (studying maths, I mean, really, who would do that to themselves LOL) and Richard in his final year of apprenticeship as an electrician (trust me, that one comes in VERY handy haha).

Today, Richard (the eldest) turns 23 (remember being that young, guys? no, me neither), although when I texted him to ask what age he was (just checking) for the blog, he said 18 ... nice try, Richard, welcome to the wonderful world of getting old ! :) It wasn't that long ago that I was buying him his personalised number plate for his 21st (stepmoms get to buy the cool pressies !) - no, richard, no cool pressie this year, mate :)

Obviously I awsn't a part of the boys' lives until they were (I think) 8 and 11, so I missed out on all the yucky kiddy stuff and got to know them through the equally icky teenage angst years and now, latterly, in the cool, drive-us-to-the-pub years !

And so, without further ado ... a few photos ... just for the embarassment factor, you understand!

With Dad ...

Very cute :)

Happy Birthday, Rich ! Big hugs from Dad, Stepmom, Tig, Tom and Tess !!!

1 comment:

  1. I can't work out if that's Dr McCoy or John with the bottle ;)


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